石川キャンプ / Ishikawa Camp
Wed, 24 Jul
石川キャンプ 7月24日-26日 サンフィールド川北 石川県能美郡川北町字壱ツ屋174番地
Time & Location
24 Jul 2024, 09:00 – 26 Jul 2024, 17:00
About the event
Camp Information
Age of players:
8-13 year old, male or female, players of all abilities are welcome to attend the camps.
Camp capacity:
Maximum number of participants for each camp = 50
Players will be split into groups of 16-18 players and will remain in these groups throughout the 3 day camp. Players will be told which group they are in at Registration on Day 1.
What to bring to the camp:
- 水筒(中身はお水のみ)/ Water Bottle – only for water
- サッカースパイクまたはクリート / Soccer boots
- トレーニングシューズまたはインドアシューズ / Training / indoor shoes
- すね当て / Shin guards
- タオル / Towels
- 日焼け止め / Sunscreen
- 傘 / Umbrella
- 着替え / Extra clothes
- お弁当/スナック(おやつ)/ Bento Box / Snacks
- 保険証のコピー / Copy of Insurance
- 芝生保護のため、水筒にはお水を入れていただきますようよろしくお願いします。 / Only use water / mineral water in your bottle. (For turf protection)
キャンプ参加者には、3日間のキャンプで着用するアディダス製・トレーニングシャツ、ショーツ、ソックスをプレゼント! キャンプは全天候型ですので、タオル、着替えを忘れずにお持ちください。雨天の場合は室内でトレーニングを行う可能性がありますので、室内用シューズもご持参ください。 お弁当やおやつ、軽食は各自でご用意ください。
At the camp, each player will be provided with an Adidas t-shirt, Adidas shorts and Adidas socks which should be worn at all times during the 3 day camp. The camp is all weather so please do not forget to bring a towel and change of clothes. In the case of rain, there is a possibility to train indoors so also bring indoor shoes. Please bring your own bento lunch and other snacks and refreshments needed each day.
Additional Information:
- 初日のグループ分けは、コーチが年齢や能力をチェックして16~18人の1グループに分かれていただきます / Players will be grouped according to: age/ability in groups of 16-18
- • キャンプでは合計 9時間のトレーニング、6時間の座学があります / Number of hours of coaching per camp: 9 hours, and 6 hours of Workshops
- • キャンプ参加人数に限りがあるため、参加できる選手は先着順となります / Spaces are limited and are offered on a first-come, first-served basis
- キャンプ費用は消費税、サッカーアカデミーキャンプオリジナルトレーニングシャツ、ショーツ、ソックスを含みます / The cost of the camp includes tax, the participant’s giveaway pack which, for the avoidance of doubt, will consist of a shirt, shorts and socks
- 参加される際には、すね当て、芝生用のスパイク、トレーニングシューズ、ショートパンツ、ソックスなどのサッカーウェアを各自でご用意ください / It is the responsibility of the participant to bring their own shin guards, 1 pair of boots for grass, training shoes, additional soccer clothing including shorts and socks
- 軽食、食事は保護者の方がご用意ください / All refreshments and meals should be provided by parents each day for the camp
Child Welfare:
We consider the welfare of each and every child on our camps as vitally important and we need your assistance to ensure the safety and security of your child throughout their time with us. Please ensure you provide us with all the relevant medical, emergency contact and travel information for your child at least 1 month prior to arrival. We will have a dedicated Child Welfare team on site all day to cater for the needs of all children.
子ども達一人ひとりに安全と安心を提供するために、キャンプのスタッフが一丸となり対応いたします。 今回のキャンプにおいて、お子様のお体に関する重要事項は以下をご覧ください。
All staff on our camps are dedicated to the safety and wellbeing of every child. The following highlights some key information on the physical aspects of the camp.
Q. What will happen if my child gets injured during the course?
A. Injuries are unfortunately part of contact and collision sports such as soccer. A fully qualified professional, will be pitch side at all sessions to assess injuries and treat them accordingly. Anything urgent and the child is taken to hospital immediately. Physios and a nurse are on site at all times during the day.
Q. What if my child has an existing injury/weakness when they start the course?
A. If your child has sustained an injury prior to the course, please inform a member of staff as soon as possible. The physio will assess the injury on arrival and offer advice. All staff will be notified of the injury so they can monitor any changes. We take great care when dealing with minor injuries, treating them thoroughly and effectively in order to reduce the chance of long term problems.
Q. If my child is sick or unwell on the course what happens?
A. Minor problems are treated by a designated member of the team. If a child is unwell, he or she will be taken to a doctor or to the hospital, accompanied by one of our members of staff.
A. すね当てを必ずご持参ください。すね当てを持っていないお子様は、プログラムに参加できません。短いスタッドと長いスタッド両方のスパイクをご持参されますとどんなグランドでもプレーできます。
Q. Is there anything in particular my child needs to bring for the training sessions?
A. Shin guards are an essential piece of equipment to remember. We do not let children participate without them. We also recommend bringing boots with both short and long studs, so they are prepared for playing on all surfaces.
A. 特に夏はグランドが固いため、新しいスパイクを履くと、足にまめができることが多くあります。もし、お子様が新しいスパイクを使う場合、コースが始まる前に履いておきまめができないようにすることをお勧めします。まめは、すりむいてできた傷、筋を違えた痛み、出血などの軽傷の場合同様、こちらで治療します。
Q. How do you avoiding blisters?
A. New boots, particularly in the summer when the ground is hard, can cause blisters. If your child has new boots we advise to ‘wear them in’ before the course starts to avoid the risk of blisters. We can treat blisters, along with any other minor injuries – abrasions, strains and bruising.
Q. 食事や栄養、水分補給はどのように行っていますか?
Q. How do you monitor diet, nutrition and hydration.
A. We monitor each child to ensure he/she is eating / drinking enough during the camp. We also talk to the children about key food groups and the importance of a healthy diet.
Important Information
- 本キャンプは全天候型のサッカーキャンプです。ただし、台風や自然災害など、参加者に被害が及ぶ可能性がある場合は、コーチやキャンプ主催者の判断でプログラムの一部を変更・延期することがあります。悪天候により外でのトレーニングが難しい場合は、コーチが室内で代わりのトレーニングを行うため、返金には応じられません。/ This is an all weather soccer camp. However, in the case of typhoon or natural disaster which may harm participants occurring, parts of the program will be changed or postponed at the discretion of the coaches and camp organizers. No refund will be given as a result of cancellation of soccer coaching sessions due to adverse weather as coaches will provide an alternative program indoors.
- キャンプ期間中、事前の予告なく取材活動が行われる場合があります。その際、参加者の写真や映像が本人の許可なく雑誌、テレビ、ホームページ等に掲載されることがありますので、予めご了承ください。/ During the camp, there may be news gathering activities without advance notice. Please be aware that participants photos or video film may appear on magazines, TV programs or our websites without your permission.
- 保護者の方がトレーニングをご覧いただける機会や時間帯は、キャンプ開催前にお知らせいたします。/ Opportunities and specific times for parents to watch the coaching sessions will be announced prior to the camp taking place.
- 会場までの交通費はキャンプ費用に含まれません。/ Transportation costs to the venue are not included in the camp fee.